If you are looking for a delicious salty, spicy, savory dip to add to your appetizer repertoire, this Spicy Buffalo Chicken Dip is going to blow your mind. This dip uses shredded rotisserie chicken to help you save cooking time and has all the flavors of buffalo hot...
It’s strawberry season and what better way to kick it off than with this beautiful and easy strawberry bread recipe. You are going to love the fresh pops of strawberries running through every bite of bread and the bright pink glaze that is packed with even more...
Lemon is one of my favorite fruits – I keep a Costco size bag of lemons on hand all the time because it brings a bright, delicious flavor to just about anything you squeeze it in to! I especially love a good Lemon Loaf, but I’m a bit fussy when it...
Spicy Mayo is one of my favorite condiments because it’s a creamy sauce that is a little spicy and a little tangy. It is fantastic drizzled over your favorite sushi roll, as a dip for French fries, raw veggies or chicken nuggets, on a burger or chicken...
Do you love a good casserole as much as I do? This Baked Ziti Pasta Casserole is a beefy, cheesy, creamy delicious comfort food that is kid approved. Bonus for the chef? It’s super easy to make with lots of shortcut ingredients that are “doctored...
I love all things eggs. Over easy, scrambled, poached, baked, hard boiled, soft boiled, deviled or egg salad – I’ll eat them all! This past weekend I posted how to hard boil eggs in your instant pot, so now it’s time for me to share the best egg...
Have you ever made hard boiled eggs in your instant pot? Hard boiling eggs in the instant pot is my FAVORITE way to cook them because it is quick and easy and the eggs turn out perfectly cooked every time! You no longer have to watch a boiling pot of water on the...
I don’t know what it is that makes a creamy soup served in a homemade bread bowl so dreamy and comforting! Have you ever tried making your own bread bowls? They are quite simple to make and take only a handful of pantry ingredients. Whoever originally thought...
I don’t know what it is about Sweet Honey Cornbread that makes it such a wonderful accompaniment to such a large variety of dishes. Whether you are making chicken and mashed potatoes, barbequed ribs, beef stew, or my personal favorite – Cajun red beans...