Sprinkle some flour on a large cutting board or dough mat.
Turn your dough out on to the floured surface, keeping as much of the dough in the middle as you can.
Flour up your hands, (if your dough feels really loose, sprinkle a little flour on the top), then fold the dough into itself while rotating to create a ball. Flip it over so the smooth side is on the top and use your hands to complete shaping in to a ball.
Move your ball of dough in to the center of a large piece of parchment paper.
Cut an X in the top of the loaf with a sharp knife, cover loosely with plastic wrap or an all cotton towel, and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, place a Dutch oven pot in the oven with the lid on and preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Let the Dutch oven sit in there and heat for the 30 minutes the bread is resting.
Brush or spray your loaf with warm water, then sprinkle the optional additional cheese (if desired) over the top and decorate the loaf with your thinly sliced rounds of jalapeño.
Carefully remove the Dutch oven from the oven and remove the lid. (Make sure to use your pot holders!)
Pick up the ball of bread by the corners of the parchment paper and carefully lower the entire thing in the hot Dutch oven.
Replace the lid, (don't forget how hot it is), and place the Dutch oven back in the oven.
Bake for 30 minutes.
Open the oven, remove the lid and bake an additional 5-15minutes, or until the loaf is as golden brown as you like it.
Remove the Dutch oven from the oven and transfer the bread to a cooling rack. (I use the parchment paper again to lift it out.)
Try to let it cool at least at least an hour before slicing with a serrated bread knife. (However, if you can leave it at least 2-3 hours it will set up better!)