1/2tspsmoked paprikacan use regular if you don’t like smoked
1/4tspgarlic powder
1/4tspblack pepper
In a saucepan combine all ingredients
Bring to a light boil over medium high heat, stirring frequently
Reduce heat to medium and continue to simmer while stirring for 4-5 minutes
Remove from heat and set aside in the saucepan until it cools completely, then transfer to a condiment serving bottle
A couple of tips for making the best hot dogs at home:
Start with an all-beef hot dog. We like Nathan’s Jumbo Restaurant Style Beef Franks because they grill up just perfectly!
When I grill the franks I place them on the grill at the front and turn them frequently so they don’t burn and cook perfectly. When they look puffy and juicy they are ready to serve!
Buy soft, delicious buns, (I am partial to brioche or bakery buns), and give them a light grill or toast face down on a buttered skillet.
Serve this sauce on the side so people can put as much as they like on their hot dogs.
Serve chopped onions, chopped pickles, sauerkraut and pepperoncini’s on the side for people to add as they like!